Great-Great Stories Project

by JanePeck on January 3, 2012

What do you know of your great-grandparents? Or your great-great grandparents?? They  may have lived at  the time of Pierre Bottineau and Little Crow, 150 yrs. ago.

This is a good time to call family elders and ask for stories of your ancestors.      Find out about their adventures, names, places, dates, or ethnic groups.

We at Dance Revels Moving History want to share heritage stories. Our mission is to deepen and expand community identity in the Upper Midwest. And we need your help!

Please share your great-grandparent tales and/or any pics with us:
1. by  email to Director Jane Peck at with both stories and pictures  or

2. leave a comment here on our blog, only stories.

2.  or share pictures and stories on (and please LIKE us, if you haven’t)

Come back to our blog and check our story collection as it grows.  Here you have a couple of examples, one by Paulino Brener and another by Jane Peck. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get 150 tales for 150 years?!  Feel free to share this request.

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